
How can Native Advertising be Employed to Generate More Sales?

Native Advertising, a popular form of paid advertising where crafted ads perfectly complement the outlook of a website or page. The mapping of the advertisement ensures seamless experience to the audience unlike banner ads or display ads. The role is to appear on the audience feed without interrupting their search-flow. In the standpoint of dynamic […]

What are The Latest Trends in The Marketing and Advertising Industry

Both the terminologies i.e. marketing and advertising are sounding synonymous to the ears but underneath carries subtle differences. From the business perspective, the idea of marketing illuminates analyzing customer needs and wants and making efforts to fulfill those demands. In advertising the notion turn 3600 round, the idea is to promote products and services by […]

Building a Metaverse for Everyone: Accessibility and Inclusivity in the Immersive Frontier

Metaverse, a nerve-breaking innovation of the digital landscape refers to the existence of a virtual world in parallel to the real world. Emphasizing the idea, the digital platform encourages your footprints on the landscape by creation of digital replicas also known as digital twins. Powered by the Block chain technology, AI and ML the platform […]

The Transformative Power of AR in Immersive Storytelling

Is there anyone who isn’t a fan of stories? I guess a subject in particular that glues everyone to their chairs for an infinity duration. To mention the imagination of storytelling underwent a transformation with the rise in the application of the Augmented Reality technology. Now what is the idea of Augmented Reality? Simplifying, the […]

Understanding Visual Identity and Its Crucial Role in Branding

Visual identity implies to a brand’s defining elements. In simple words, the logo, brand colors, fonts, etc. constitute and create a brand’s differentiated image among its audience. In order to make your audience settle for your brand it is essential to craft these exponents with deep-thoughts and concentration. Let’s talk about these elements and how […]

How has Social Media Marketing Evolved in the Past Year?

Social Media Marketing involves creating contents idolizing products and services that brands wish to promote to the desired audiences’ in time utilizing digital channels. They have been blind reliant on the digital platforms to create recognition and authority in the marketplace. Emphasizing the time we are in, the forefront of revolution, witnessing changes at every […]