1st December is celebrated as World Aids Day. It was designated in the year 1988, as a World Awareness Day for AIDS. This day is the ‘eleventh’ official global public health campaign day.
The full form of AIDS is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. ‘Human Immunodeficiency Virus’ (HIV) is the reason for AIDS.
According to the data from the World Health Organization, 36.7 million people were infecting with HIV. In addition, there are 1.8 million newly infected people and 1 million people have died related to HIV in the year 2016.
This WORLD AIDS DAY theme is all about ‘Global solidarity, shared responsibility’. Also, this includes the responsive behavior of AIDS, to be looking at as a responsibility of health in a different sight of vision.
This year the Covid-19 pandemic has not only affected human health. But it has also affected the environment and the working life of all the human beings. Moreover, this pandemic has not only showed the importance of health but also the important topics which we often neglect. Hence, the intensified and difficulties faced by people such as human rights, reduction of inequality, equality between men and women, economic development, and social security.
We have seen how the virus has escalated the difficulties for the people infected by HIV/AIDS. Therefore, the crisis has hit us so hard that there has been a huge gap in social and economic development. Hence, this is the disadvantageous cause for the vulnerable HIV group.
Final Words – ‘Red ribbon’ is the universal symbolic sign for World Aids Day. This red ribbon is a mannerism way to show ‘love, support & awareness’ for the sufferer and fighters of this disease.
In conclusion, on this day millions of people wear this red ribbon to show solidarity and respect for them. Therefore, we can visit any NGO, private companies, or organizations to raise awareness about AIDS.