Thanksgiving Day is an annual holiday in the United States, Brazil, Canada, Grenada, Saint Lucia, Liberia, Leiden, Norfolk Island, and a few of the territories of the United States.
It is solemnized as a day of appreciation, sacrifices, and the blessing of the harvest of the precedent year. Also, it is known as a secular holiday in many countries. It has religious, cultural, traditional, and historical roots.
Thanksgiving is an expression of showing gratitude to the all mighty power looking after us. In a true sense, it genuinely means you are blessed when you are with your loved ones. It is about being appreciative of all the good things that you have in your life.
Well, this Thanksgiving is entirely different from the previous years. This year is all about the disorder, disorganization, and havoc situation due to the Covid-19.
Tough, life is always about moving forward and being grateful for the things we possess. So, on a general basis let us be indebted for all these things.
RELATIONSHIP – This is one of the most appreciative things for the mortals. This pandemic has taught us about the value of our family members. The things and steps they take for us.
The more time we have spent with our family and friends, we have realized that we are not perfect. Yet, they have accepting us with all our flaws. And that is what an affectionate bubble of own-ship.
LIFE – It is a huge fact that you are still sitting at the Thanksgiving table. No matter, how big or small or nuclear your family is, you still have one. There are millions of people in this world who are affected by this deadly virus and have lost their lives.
FITNESS – Exercising and fitness is a must. It is not necessary for this pandemic situation only but on a regular basis. In the absence of a gym, trainers, club activities maintaining your physique is totally depending on you.
TOGETHERNESS – It is not always possible to do things alone. You will always need someone to hold your hands. The government and local authorities and everyone is trying their best to keep you safe.
Science, big pharmaceuticals, and the government are trying to make a vaccine for this virus. But, hope and love of people around are also important.
WORK – The important things to be thankful for. There are millions of people who have lost their jobs due to this pandemic. The recession has hit us all hard. There are many business trips for our work purposes which we can avoid attending physically.
Rather than physical self-present, now everything is over the digital world and video conferences. We have realized that the digital world is vast and we can learn and do a lot of things from it.
Festivals are the break from our hectic schedule. But, as this Thanksgiving is a chaotic one. On this occasion of Thanksgiving be grateful to each and every person on this earth.
Wearing a mask is the new normal. Now that all the markets and supermarkets are open and we are allowed to shop with guidelines. Let us be respectful and follow it. Traveling the whole way to meet the family and friends is highly risky. So, rethink the traveling plan.
Keep the gathering a small one if you are having a physical-self one. The best will be a virtual meet Thanksgiving to be safe. Prayers somehow is an intensely a natural wealth!
We warmly wish you and your family a SAFE & HAPPY THANKSGIVING!