Tags are the defining element of a website. A tag certain your audience the subject of your website thereby helping them to navigate easily and improving visibility on the search engines. Talking about tags did you just know Google too has its own tags termed as the Google tags? These are small blocks of codes pre-prepared to help you avail their products and services. The products and services include Google ads which allow your website to top the search engines, Google analytics for monitoring website performance.
What is Google Tag Manager?
A composite tool that allows you to deploy necessary and ideal marketing tags on your website. These marketing tags are the gateway to understanding how your audiences have been interacting with your website. The free tool consist of three parts namely the tags, triggers and the variables. For tags, these are brief codes created to amplify website visibility and understand audience interaction through time, for triggers it determines the direction of where and how these codes are to be placed and the concluding part i.e. the variables are the building blocks for storing information which might be further required to create complex marketing tags.
Features of Google Tag Manager :
Free of cost: To avail the facilities you don’t have to spend a penny. You get to enjoy the wide benefits at complete no costs.
Create tags: The tool significantly create necessary marketing tags and also assists in deploying them to the required place.
Preview of tags: The tags you have created can significantly be checked and thereby you also get to peek into the pre and post views of your website.
Support multi-tags: Apart from the tags created on the application you get to attach third party tags complementing the purpose of your website.
Error checking: The tags you create whether useful for your website or not can be checked before placement on this application.
Advantages of Google Tag Manager:
Easy tag deployment: Understanding the placement of the marketing tags on your website is crucial. The tool is a perfect choice for it helps in placing the tags exactly on the places likely to yield best result. This will definitely ease your job of identifying the perfect spot for your marketing tags.
Tracking the tags: The customized marketing tags can be tracked significantly which provides you detailed insight to how these tags have been performing on your website as well as interacting with your visitors.
Centralized management: It helps monitoring of the marketing tags. Additionally you get to monitor Google analytics, Google ads significantly with the help of this application.
Identifying ineffective tags: The marketing tags you are wishing to place on your website are in any way complementing your website or not can be understood with the help of this application. This ensures you sideline the ineffective tags.
Enhanced security: The tags you have created are safe for your website or not can be determined effectively with the help of this tool.
There are other features and advantages present as well but with the information stated above we are sure you are about to receive clearer insight on the idea of Google Tag Manager.